Welcome to project 365. This writer of ghost stories, mother of two, and wife to the Professor, aka "Ghost Hunk" (for 18 years), finds inspiration everyday, even if she sometimes forgets. So for the next year, I will document these little epiphanies, whether it's a bug on the windshield or some brilliant, breathless moment in this crazy life or something in between.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 206

It's Red Ribbon week at Ghost Daughter's school, and today is "Boot out Drugs" day.  Since Ghost Daughter doesn't have any boots of her own right now, we tried a pair of mine.  EGADS!  The girl can now wear Mama's boots!  Ghost Hunk is a little freaked out by the fact that my boots have a little bit of a heel on them.  They're just cowboy boots, Daddy!

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